Tuesday 16 February 2010


This series was developed as an ACT OF CITIZENSHIP, expressed through by and as ART, and has, till now (2018), remained private.

As the anniversary of the RITIRADA was celebrated, the project discretely echoed these commemorations in parallel, as part of a 'DEVOIR DE MÉMOIRE'.

(à suivre/to be continued...)

two years on, the project is still awaiting a context and an opportunity to be seen.
As an individual act of citizenship, it retains it value,
but three artist residencies and a three month curatorial visit to India and Pakistan (for the THOUGH OTHER EYES and PARALLEL LINES exhibitions), and other projects, have kept this project dormant...

January 2018:
A visit to the Mémorial de Rivesaltes confirms that official accounts of HISTORY tend to define responsibilities in rather abstract terms that enable the real authors of exactions to fall to outside the frame  and escape JUSTICE; like those anonymous guards of the camp who stole food destined to the prisoners; causing some to die of hunger... 

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